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Call for Proposals!

Public Tender: Strategic Implementing Partners for the SDG Impact Finance Initiative
Deadline: July 3rd, 2024Calculating time left...

The SDG Impact Finance Initiative invests catalytic capital in innovative impact finance solutions that will mobilize private capital for sustainable development in emerging and frontier markets. The Initiative is funded by the Swiss Government (SECO and SDC), The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg (the Ministry of Finance) and the UBS Optimus Foundation.

Thematic Focus:

Strategic Implementing Partners


3 - 5 year contract

Target SDGs:

Geographical Focus:


Public Tender Announcement: 
Strategic Implementing Partners for the SDG Impact Finance Initiative

The SDG Impact Finance Initiative (SIFI) seeks to mobilize private capital for the goals by fostering collaboration between public and private partners, promoting market-wide improvements, and enhancing impact investment flows. In its commitment to advancing measurable progress towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative finance solutions, SIFI is opening a tender to identify and select a service provider for the management of our calls for proposals under our Innovation Window (Window 1) and our Product Window (Window 2) as of Q4 2024. 

Innovation - Window 1 focuses on supporting the design, launch, or scaling of innovative impact finance solutions. This includes feasibility studies, proof of concept, and expansion activities. Detailed requirements for participation and the application process for Window 1 are outlined in the provided documentation.

Products - Window 2 aims to scale new impact investment solutions by providing first loss capital to de-risk commercial private capital. This window focuses on transforming impactful ideas into scalable realities that are attractive to a broad spectrum of investors. Detailed requirements for participation and the application process for Window 2 are also provided in the associated documents.

Important Application Information:

  • Separate Submissions Required: Applicants may apply for both Window 1 and Window 2. However, it should be noted that a separate Expression of Interest (EoI) and Proposal (RfP) must be submitted for each window. One EoI or Proposal cannot be considered for both windows.
  • Single Selection Only: While applicants can apply for both windows, they will only be selected for one. This ensures a wide distribution of opportunities and a diverse range of implementations across our initiatives.

Submission Deadlines:

  • EoI Submission: The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest for both windows is July 3rd, 2024, at 12:00 PM noon CEST.
  • RfP Submission: Following the review of EoIs, longlisted candidates will be invited to submit a full Proposal by September 12th, 2024, at 12:00 PM noon CEST.

Candidates are encouraged to review the detailed submission requirements and eligibility criteria provided in the annexes of the respective window documents. These guidelines will help ensure that your application aligns with SIFI’s objectives and compliance standards.

For any inquiries or further clarification regarding the tender process, please refer to the detailed documentation provided, including guidance on clarification requests.

We look forward to your innovative proposals and to partnering with you in driving impactful investment towards sustainable development goals.

Documents attached: 

  • Window 1 – Innovation – Public Tender Documentation
  • Window 2 – Product – Public Tender Documentation
  • Budget Template Window 1 (including detailed requirements list)
  • Budget Template Window 2 (including detailed requirements list)
  • Form 1 – Declaration of Undertaking
  • Form 2 – Declaration of Conflict of Interest